Giving Voice To Sibling Sexual Abuse
Jane Epstein, 5WAVES co-founder, took the stage of the Boca Raton TEDx convention to raise awareness about sibling sexual trauma and abuse.
“This is a terrific talk - powerful, moving, informative and full of hope.”
~Peter Yates, Social Worker & thought leader in the subject of SST
"Having a fellow SSA survivor so smart, brave, and amazing like you representing us gives me the incredible feeling that, someday in the near future, parents won't run away from this complex subject like many of ours did, and that people like us will finally have the courage to speak up sooner. thank you, from the bottom of my heart.”
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Please share the video so that together
we can bring this silent epidemic
out of the shadows.
~SST Survivor
5WAVES co-founder Maria Socolof tells her story of surviving, repressing, remembering, and healing from sibling sexual trauma in this interview with Gloria Masters' Handing the Shame Back podcast, based in New Zealand.
5WAVES made a group guest appearance for the Sexual Assault and Advocacy Network, introducing our group and our work and sharing ways that sexual assault organizations can include, serve and advocate for survivors of sibling sexual abuse and trauma.
Hollyoaks cast members involved in the Sibling Sexual Abuse (SSA) storyline met with real-life survivors (some on camera, some off) and a charity representative. This documentary features discussion around the survivors' own experiences of SSA, explores why it is important Hollyoaks is shining a light on this issue, and asks what more can be done to help the victims.
A male survivor speaks out: Gloria Masters interviews Phil Goldstein, poet and author of How to Bury a Boy at Sea.
Maria Socolof joins other survivors of domestic violence and sexual abuse in this spoken word event, celebrating the premier of the book Hush No More: Healing Through Words
Survivor Brinn Langdale, LMFT, appears on Chris GT Gordon's Scar Bearers podcast in an episode titled "How to Forgive and Inspire." Brinn shares her passion to reach other young people who are struggling as she did.
Jane Epstein appears on Good Morning Joy with Shari Alyse.
Incest Survivor and IncestAWARE founder Jo Lauren interviews SSA Survivor, Author, and Body Safety Educator Diane Tarantini, on Diane's experiences speaking out and writing about her own experience, as well as awareness and prevention about child sexual abuse and sibling sexual harm and abuse.
Click here to request a link to multiple excellent videos, featuring survivors and researchers, from the 2024 International #SiblingsToo Day release.