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Listen is the first and only podcast covering exclusively sibling sexual abuse.

With over 50 episodes already produced, host Nancy Morris has covered the topic from a myriad of angles and dozens of perspectives. Several episodes have featured 5WAVES cofounders, listed below. View the entire list and listen at 

Ep.34-35 - A Conversation with Hope Sittler, A Parent coping with Sibling Sexual Trauma  (Parts I & II)

Ep.36 - Sibling Sexual Abuse, The Silent Epidemic with Jane Epstein

Ep.39 - The Connection Between Trauma and Chronic Pain with Maria Socolof

Ep.40 - Building Resources and Support for Sibling Sexual Trauma with Brandy Black

Ep.41 - Surviving SSA - A Husband's Perspective

Also highly recommended:

Ep.49 - The Impacts of SSA on non-abused, non-abusive siblings with Anais Van Vliet

Ep.52 - Adam, a perpetrator of sibling sexual abuse, shares his story

What do parents need to know? No parent expects sibling sexual trauma to happen within their home--including those who find out at some point that it already has. It can happen in any  family. So how do parents even talk to their children about this? What do you do if you discover or suspect it might have happened already? Rosalia Rivera of Consent Parenting talks with Hope, parenting in the aftermath of SSA, and Jane and Maria, adults living and healing after childhood sibling sexual trauma. 

4 May 2023, 1 hour

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On this episode of Dr. Margaret Rutherford's SelfWork podcast, Jane Epstein tells about how her life was dramatically impacted by her brother sexually abusing her. It took her years to put the pieces of the puzzle together, making connections between past and present that were difficult and painful to make – but also were freeing.

15 September 2023, 34 minutes

"In this episode, Trauma: Childhood Sexual Abuse, Samantha talks with poet and author of How to Bury a Boy at Sea Phil Goldstein. Phil talks about the struggles in his life caused by his childhood trauma that eventually led him to therapy. Once in therapy, he realized that being a victim of childhood sexual abuse didn't have to define who he is."

9 April 2022, 54 minutes

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Survivor-Led Conversations on a Silent Issue: Tanith McCullough of SARSAS talks with the HJ Talks About Abuse podcast about how the strength of survivors and their voices are shaping emerging awareness and services through the UK's Sibling Sexual Abuse Project. Hear about their collaboration with Hollyoaks in developing a survivor-informed storyline about sibling sexual abuse and more.

April 2024, 26 minutes

Sibling Sexual Abuse: The Last Taboo? Livvy Haydock of BBC File on 4 relates her journey of increased awareness while covering the UK's Sibling Sexual Abuse Project. She speaks to families struggling to get help for this distressing form of abuse and those struggling to come to terms with a child harming another child – and fighting to repair their family. 

​14 June 2022, 37 minutes

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The Unspeakable Crime is the podcast corresponding to The Sunday Times feature article on sibling sexual abuse. The podcast features survivor Liz Roberts and Decca Aitkenhead, investigator and author. 

17 March 2024, 42 minutes

Jane Epstein tells the story of her complicated personal experience and her journey to giving voice and advocating against sibling sexual trauma and abuse. Jane eloquently gives voice to the lived experience of survivors, parents and even those living with regret for sexually violating a sibling on this OneVoice podcast

27 July 2022, 46 minutes

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On Behind the Crimes: The Policewoman's Secret, Robert Murphy talks with Liz Roberts, daughter of a detective, former policewoman, who reported that her brother had sexually abused her in childhood, obtained a conviction, and waived her right to anonymity so she could tell her story--knowing that many more cannot. 

2 January, 2024, 55 minutes

Jordan Harbinger covers the subject of sibling sexual abuse in a section of this podcast, in consultation with 5WAVES President and cofounder Maria Socolof. Listen at approximately 7:00-17:00.

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